10 Drinks Proven to Speed up Metabolism and Help You Lose Weight Faster

Uncover the top 10 drinks that can turbocharge your metabolism, making weight loss more effective.


Green Tea | Water | Thermogenic Drinks | Apple Cider Vinegar | Lemon Ginger Water | Protein Shakes | Ketone Drinks | Coffee | Ooolong Tea | Vegetable Juices | Other Metabolism Boosting Methods | Bottom Line

If you want to lose weight, what you drink is just as important as what you eat. Some drinks can help speed up your metabolism, making it easier to burn calories.

For example, one of the most known drinks that help speed up metabolism is Green Tea. Green tea has special ingredients called catechins that can help. Another example is water. Drinking enough water keeps you hydrated and can also help with boosting metabolism. Apple cider vinegar can control your appetite, making you less hungry.

There are many drinks that can help you lose weight. By including them in your daily routine, you can get the most benefits. In this article I am going to explore 10 of them that are backed by scientific literature and not science fiction.


  • Green tea and matcha enhance metabolism through catechins and caffeine, supporting weight loss.
  • Adequate water intake is essential for optimal metabolic function and energy control.
  • Thermogenic drinks can boost calorie burning and reduce hunger, aiding in weight management.
  • Protein shakes increase energy expenditure and support muscle growth, enhancing calorie burn at rest.
  • Coffee stimulates metabolism and improves physical performance, contributing to weight loss efforts.

Drinks Proven to Speed up Metabolism

Chart: Metabolism Boosting Drinks
Chart: Metabolism Boosting Drinks / FOODNOURISH.NET

1. Green Tea and Matcha

Matcha Tea

Green tea and matcha are the most known drinks that can help speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight faster. Matcha is a type of green tea that’s considered better (and more expensive). Feel free to check our comparison guide between green tea and matcha.

Anyways, green tea and matcha tea contain catechins and caffeine that make this happen. If you drink three to four cups of green tea every day, it can help you lose more weight than not. and make your body healthier.

Green tea works better than black tea for this.

Matcha green tea is really good for helping your body burn fat. But, it’s not a magic solution – you still need to exercise, like going for a 30-minute brisk walk, to see the best results. [1]

But if for some reason you still don’t want to work out, drinking green tea or matcha every day can make your body burn calories faster. It can increase how fast your body burns calories by 4-5% over a whole day and can go up to 8% in some people. [2] [3] [4]

For example, if you burn 1000 calories per day from non working out activities (cleaning, walking, sleeping, standing etc.), you’ll lose an extra 30 – 40 calories per day.

If you want to purchase Matcha green tea, you can try the one from our partner below, or check our selection with the top 10 matcha green tea powders and the best matcha brands in the world.

Plus, click here to learn all the proven health benefits of drinking Matcha tea every day.

Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder, 1 Pound

  • Micro Ingredients Organic Matcha Tea Powder, Pure Matcha Powder Green Tea, 1 Pound, Culinary Grade and Authentic Japanese Origin.
  • Best Superfood – Matcha is Rich in Antioxidants and is a Great Source of Natural Energy and Mental Clarity.
  • Rich in Caffeine, Gradually Aids with Digestion, Healing, Cleansing and Contains Natural L-Theanine, Provides Good, Clean Energy.

     ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | 4.8 (165 reviews)

2. Water

a glass of water
A glass of water that writes “Hey Drink Me”

Yes, simple, plain water is important for helping your body work better and can even help you lose weight. When you drink water, you help your body do its job, like controlling how it uses energy.

There was a 2012 study published in the journal “Obesity” that found out that women who were overweight lost more weight when they drank more water, even without changing what they ate or how much they exercised. [5]

Another study examined the impact of drinking an extra 1500 ml of water on weight and body composition in 50 overweight girls. Over eight weeks, they consumed 500 ml before each meal. The results showed significant reductions in weight, BMI, and body composition, suggesting increased water intake aids weight loss. [6]

This means that drinking water can help you eat less and change how your body uses energy to help you lose weight.

3. Thermogenic Drinks

Thermogenic drinks can help you lose weight by making your body burn more calories. These drinks usually have things like caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in them, which can make your body use more energy even when you’re resting.

This is called your Resting Metabolic Rate – the amount of energy, or calories, your body needs to function while you are at rest. You can check our resting metabolic rate calculator and calculate what your RMR is.

Studies have found that having these drinks can make your body burn about 6% more calories over a whole day.

For example, a 2008 study done on 30 adults with different body shapes found that they burned more calories and felt less hungry after having these drinks. [7]

Another 2022 study showed that these Thermogenic drinks made people use more energy for three hours, but didn’t change how full or hungry they felt very much. [8]

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar might help you boost your metabolism and lose weight. It has acetic acid, which can lower insulin levels, improve metabolism, reduce appetite, and burn fat.

Some studies on animals show that acetic acid stops weight gain and lowers fat in the belly and liver. [9]

There’s some proof that vinegar helps people lose weight too. In a study with 144 obese adults, those who’d a daily drink with 2 tablespoons of vinegar lost more weight, had smaller waists, and less belly fat than those who didn’t. [10]

Apple cider vinegar also makes your stomach empty more slowly, so you feel full longer and eat less. [11]

But be careful, because acidic drinks like apple cider vinegar can hurt your teeth. To keep your teeth safe, don’t drink it too much and always rinse with water after.

Click here to learn why you should drink apple cider vinegar every day as well as other uses of Apple cider vinegar apart from losing weight.

5. Lemon Ginger Water

illustration of lemon ginger water

Adding lemon ginger water to what you drink every day is a good way to help your body burn calories faster. Several studies back up this natural and healthy daily drink. For example:

  • A study analyzed 13 articles involving 921 participants to assess the impact of citrus and its extracts on weight loss. Results showed significant reductions in body weight, BMI, waist and hip circumference, supporting the beneficial effects of citrus on weight control. Further research is needed for definitive clinical efficacy.
  • An experiment investigated the impact of lemon juice on weight reduction in 100 females. After two months, results showed that lemon juice supplementation had a measurable effect on weight reduction. The study suggests that natural products like lemon, rich in vitamin C, can help prevent and address overweight and obesity issues.
  • When it comes to ginger, a study found that consuming a hot ginger beverage may help with weight management. The study showed that ginger increased thermogenesis and reduced feelings of hunger in overweight men, though it did not affect total resting energy expenditure or other metabolic risk factors.
  • Another study on ginger water found that it may help with weight management. The study showed that ginger water reduced body weight gain, total cholesterol, and serum triacylglycerol in rats. It also affected the expression of genes related to carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, suggesting it may help regulate energy expenditure.
  • Finally, a study found that ginger supplementation may help prevent weight gain by remodeling energy metabolism and promoting the browning of white adipose tissue in mice. Ginger increased heat production and improved metabolic function, suggesting it could be a therapeutic treatment for obesity and related disorders.

The scientific evidence are there and can’t be ignored.

To get the “good things” from lemon ginger water, just put some fresh ginger and a little bit of lemon in hot or cold water. Here’s a Lemon Ginger Water Recipe For Weight Loss that you can make in less than 5 minutes.

Drink this tasty water during the day to help your body burn calories and have enough water. To see a difference, you need to drink it every day, so make lemon ginger water something you drink all the time.

RELATED: Top 14 Ginger Health Benefits, Nutrition Value and Possible Side Effects

6. Protein Shakes

Protein Supplement
Whey Protein Supplement

Protein shakes can help you lose weight – not because they can be used as low calorie, meal-replacement drink but because when you drink them, your body uses more energy to digest them, which can help you burn more calories than normal. [12]

Studies have also found that consuming a high-protein, high-fiber shake before meals led to greater weight loss and improvements in metabolic health markers, like cholesterol levels, compared to a low-protein, low-fiber alternative in overweight adults on a calorie-restricted diet. [13]

There are different types of protein powders, like whey protein, pea, and hemp, that you can add to shakes to help you lose weight. If you tried protein powders before and you’ve felt bloated, this article will help you get rid of protein bloat.

7. Ketone Drinks

Illustration of a person drinking exogeneous ketones drink

Another type of drink that can help with weight loss is ketone drinks.

These drinks, especially a kind called ketones monoester drinks, are made to quickly raise the level of ketones in your blood. This can help your body better control how it uses energy. [14]

Ketones are “special types” of chemicals that our body makes when it doesn’t have enough sugar (glucose) to use for energy. Think of them as backup fuel. When you eat fewer carbohydrates, like bread or pasta, your body starts to burn fat instead, creating ketones.

A study in 2019 showed that having one of these drinks before a sugar test helped lower blood sugar and fat levels in people who were overweight. It did this without changing how much insulin their body made. This means that ketone drinks might help people manage their weight by helping their body use energy better. [15]

Some examples of ketone monoester drinks are HVMN Ketone, KetoneAid, Perfect Keto Base, and KetoSports KETO//OS.

These drinks are mostly used by people who are on a ketogenic diet or by athletes who want to improve how they perform.

But, everyone is different, so the drinks mightn’t work the same way for everybody. Also, to get the best results, these drinks should be part of a healthy diet.

8. Coffee

Good old coffee.. Love it or hate it coffee is a popular drink worldwide that can help speed up your metabolism.

Metabolism is how your body turns food into energy. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant that can make your body use energy faster and help burn more fat.

Research shows that drinking coffee can increase your metabolism by 3-11%, making it a good choice for people trying to lose weight. [16]

How Coffee HelpsWhat It Does
Speeds up metabolismIncreases by 3-11%
Burns more fatHelps break down fat
Boosts physical performanceHelps with active lifestyles
Reduces appetiteHelps you eat fewer calories

Additionally, coffee can improve your ability to exercise, helping you work out more effectively. [17]

The caffeine in coffee can also help reduce your appetite, so you eat less overall. So, enjoying a cup of coffee not only gives you a nice energy boost but can also help with losing weight. [18]

But be aware: Don’t start drinking 5 – 10 coffees per day, because you’ll cause more harm than good. And yes, it is OK to drink coffee on an empty stomach. I explain why here.

  • There is a weight loss supplement called Java Burn that supposedly pairs well with coffee and boosts metabolism even further.
Java Burn

It comes in small sachets that you pour into your coffee to maximize it’s metabolism boosting effects. We wrote a review about Java Burn here if you wanna have a look.

9. Oolong Tea

Oolong tea leaves
Oolong Tea Leaves / By Suguri F(すぐり) – Transferred froma Japanese Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=186719

Oolong tea is another drink that is proven to speed up your metabolism. This tea has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to help with weight control.

In one study with 12 men, drinking oolong tea increased the number of calories burned by about 3% compared to water. Also, the amount of fat burned was 12% higher when they drank oolong tea instead of water, which could make it helpful for managing weight. [19]

In another study with healthy women, oolong tea raised the rate of calorie burning even more than green tea and water. This might be because oolong tea has special healthy compounds called polyphenols and less caffeine than green tea, making it better at boosting metabolism.

If you want to increase your metabolism and help with weight loss, try including oolong tea in your regular drinks.

10. Vegetable Juices

A Glass full with green juice and with some apples laying around

Drinking vegetable juices can help speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight. Research shows that having low-sodium vegetable juices in a diet with fewer calories can help you lose more weight than if you don’t drink them.

These juices let you eat more vegetables and fewer carbs, which is important for losing weight.

If you don’t like buying a lot of fresh vegetables, you can use green juice powders instead. Here are the best green juices for weight loss. \And, before you ask NO, they are not a waste of money.

They work just like fresh vegetable juices and can help you stay on track with your weight loss.

RELATED: 12 BEST Green Juice to Buy and Everything You Need to Know in Between

Other Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

In addition to having drinks that can speed up your metabolism, there are other ways to make your body use energy faster. The following are not only good for losing weight but good for your health too.

  • Sleep Well: Make sure you get enough rest. Not sleeping enough can make it harder for your body to recover and can slow down how fast you use energy, which might lead to gaining weight.
  • Be Active: Do exercises, especially ones that help build muscles, to make your body use more energy. Even after you stop exercising, your body keeps burning calories.
  • Eat More Protein: Include foods that are high in protein, like chicken, fish, beans, and nuts in what you eat. Your body uses more energy to digest proteins than it does for fats or carbs.
  • Keep Stress Low: Do things to relax, like meditation, yoga, or breathing deeply. Being stressed all the time can mess with your hormones and slow down how fast your body uses energy.
  • Eat More Often, But Less: Think about having smaller meals many times a day to keep your body using energy. This mightn’t work for everyone, so find out what’s best for you.

Final Take

Although the above mentioned drinks are going to boost your metabolism and help you lose weight faster you will NOT see any meaningful results if you don’t work out, say no to junk foods and start eating healthier.

Having said that, we’ve got a ton of other articles on weight loss – if you want to check them out. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some posts for checking next.

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