Top 10 Best Matcha Green Tea Powder

Looking for the Best Matcha Green Tea Powder to buy? Well, you’ve landed on the right page. Continue Reading to see this year’s list with the top 10 matcha green tea powder recommendations.
Human nutrition is an important and crucial topic of discussion as it concerns our health, well-being, and fitness in regards to what we take every day as food and supplements. The urge and reason to be fit and stay healthy van be traced back to many decades when humans started realizing the effects and causes of obesity, terminal infection and diseases are locked in the modern food that contains empty and irrelevant chemicals.
There were a lot of supplements, brewed green teas, and drugs that claimed to offer the best solution and compliment the insufficiency noticed in today’s diet and food.
Many did not work as advertised but some have proven to be very effective, efficient and dependable not only to keep the body fit and free from free radicals that cause diseases but also in providing the body with the right vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants that boost immunity, prevent aging and sexual weakness.
This effective remedy is called Matcha green tea. It is a green tea with a difference and many people have tasted of its potency while agreeing to the fact that it is a needed tea of everyone.
However, just as it is with almost all kinds of quality products, people easily make fake and ineffective types and sell them out based on the waves and reputation the original type has generated.
Matcha green tea is a single type but with several fake ones being sold in various online and offline stores. It is therefore important that people that are used to patronizing the product and those that are buying form the first time know and identify the real and effective Matcha green tea. Below are ways and tips that will help you choose your match green tea.
How to Choose your Matcha Green Tea
Tea Color
There are several brands of Matcha green tea in the market but you must be sure that the one you are buying is of high quality and effective. One of the best ways to know and identify an original Matcha tea is through its color.
The color of a typical Matcha tea is green and it must be green indeed. Whenever you want to buy a Matcha tea, carefully check and consider its color because some bad Matcha teas are of dull or brownish-green color which is an indication that it is not good and effective.
Maybe you are buying at a physical store or from an online store, you must insist on seeing the color of the tea you are buying. Best Matcha green tea powder looks bright and vibrant green color and as such can provide all you expect in it when taken properly.
Tea Ingredients
This is another very dependable method that all buyers of Matcha green tea should use when they are about to buy the product.
The ingredient of any drug, food or tea-like Matcha are always written boldly and legibly on the package and you should check if such product is made from the right and expected ingredients.
There should normally be no artificial ingredients nor any kind of additives added to the green tea and as such when you find any of these on the pack at of any Matcha tea, then you should avoid it. The original Matcha tea is made solely from Matcha and that is what you need. Do not be deceived by the brand, check its ingredients and confirm if its the best Matcha powder.
The Source and Origin
It is very important to know and be sure of the source of what you buy so as to know and be certain of its originality. Basically and fundamentally, Matcha green tea is a product that comes from Japan and grows in Japan.
As many plants can survive in other countries different from its place of origin, some Matcha has been grown in other countries and are being used to make Matcha green tea to be sold in various stores. Matcha grown in Japan has been found to be of higher quality and as such, it offers you the very best when taken.
Always check and be sure of the source and origin of Matcha green tea you are buying before deciding on making an order. For online stores, look for Matcha teas that contain a full description of the source and origin with other vital details before you order.
 Brand Research
The brand of Matcha green tea you buy and take is also important and very crucial. Many have taken green tea claimed to be the original Matcha without getting the desired and expected result just because they fail to beat the fakers and do research before buying it.
When you are about buying a Matcha green tea powder, it is good to do simple research about the brand as regards where the company is located, the reputation of the company and any other information that can help reveal whether you are buying the best organic Matcha powder or a less quality type.
Buyer Reviews
One of the best things to ever happen to how people purchase and make orders from online stores is the presence of buyers review where all buyers of a product can give his or her own comment about the product bought.
This opportunity can be enjoyed when shopping at offline stores as well and you should not fail to use it to confirm if you are buying the best Matcha tea powder.
Ask your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and others who have had or bought the Matcha green tea powder about the effectiveness of the brand and you can then decide from their responses.
For online buyers, shop from reputable e-commerce stores that permit buyers to leave feedbacks after purchase and from this feedback, you can make a good decision on buying the best Matcha green tea powder.
Cost of Tea
I do not like to include the price of an item as a part of a buying guide or tip for any product but for the Matcha tea powder, the price can be an indication if it is the original or otherwise.
When you see anywhere that about 80g to 100g of Matcha green tea sells for about $20 to $30, you should be wary of it and decline from buying such. Do not forget this and refuse to be drawn away with cheap and low prices.
Best Way of Drinking Match Green Tea
The best Matcha green powder is what packaged, sold and delivered to you at home. You need to make a tea from the powder and drink to truly relish the wonders of Matcha. It is however very important to prepare the tea well so as to prevent waste and ensure efficiency. Below are the steps to prepare and drink Matcha green powder.
- Get a tea bowl, a sieve, a teacup, hot water, and a spoon.
- Hold the sieve directly one the tea bowl and pour the Matcha green powder into the sieve
- Stir the Matcha green powder inside the sieve as they escape into the tea bowl
- Pour hot water into the tea bowl containing sieved Matcha tea powder and use the spoon to stir it well
- Pour the stirred Matcha green tea into a teacup and drink.
Best Time to Drink Matcha Green Tea
The Matcha green powder is a very effective powder even as reports have shown that the best beverage for humans is green tea. The best Matcha green powder helps with body metabolism, improves immunity and provides required elements and minerals. It is good to take about one or two cups of matcha green tea daily but the right time to take it seems to be a cause concern to many people.
A good amount of Matcha green tea coup is taken early in the morning before walking out so as to boost and improve your calorie-burning ability. It can also be taken as a corporate meeting tea and even as the cooling effect of the evening sets in. These are nice times to take the best organic Matcha powder.
Best Matcha Green Tea Powder
1. Jade Organic Japanese Matcha Powder

This is a matching powder made to offer buyers a culinary, baking and green tea recipe. It is approved by the USDA as a safe product and contains no other ingredient than the Matcha sourced from Uji in Japan. This product is probably the best for budget buyers and on top of this, a full refund option is available for dissatisfied buyers.
2. Akira Matcha Green Powder

This is another brand of Matcha green powder and it offers a unique fresh powder by selling intermittently on Amazon. This is quite nice. Akira Matcha green powder is also a reliable brand sourced from Japan and with no additive, sugar, and substances, it is approved by the USDA and JAS while the full rerun of paid amount is available for buyers that are not satisfied.
3. Japanese Matcha Green Powder by Kiss Me Organics

This Matcha green powder can be for a smoothie, baking of small chops and as a tea to help burn body calorie, boost immunity and aid body fitness. This is a product packaged in a tight-fitted container that ensures that the tea is fresh and potent. Kiss Me Organic brand offers a 100% refund to dissatisfied buyers and as such buyers can be sure of not losing their cash to a substandard product.
4. Premium Matcha Green Powder by Matcha Organics

This is another kind of quality Matcha green powder that guarantees fat burning, boost of immunity and energy. The powder is made from original Japanese Matcha and approved by the USDA and JAS as safe for drinking. This brand offers a free e-book that teaches top 100 Matcha recipes upon every purchase while you can also get a full refund if not satisfied with the product.
5. Encha Ceremonial Matcha Powder

This is a Matcha green powder from Encha brand and it offers a quality powder that can be taken as drink to stay healthy and keep fit. Encha recommends drink made of hot water but provides buyers with an innovative powder pack which is re-sealable after the previous usage. This pack makes it possible to keep remaining powder fresh and potent for further use. It is approved by USDA but offers no return policy.
6. Kenko Matcha Green Powder

There are Matcha green powder that are bad in quality with buyers suspecting traces of stems and leaves in the packaged tea powder. You have no such fears with Kenko Matcha powders as It is well harvested and ground with granite mills for perfection even as it is tested to ensure that it contains no heavy metal. It is approved by the USDA and very effective when taken from an airtight container that ensures freshness of the powder.
7. Zen Spirit Matcha Green Powder

This is a Matcha green powder from Zen Spirit brand and it offers a quality powder that can be used to bake, make smoothies, lattice and as a drink when prepared as tea. It is with no additive even as it is purely grounded by a ceramic mill. Every buyer of this product gets a free 10 Matcha recipe e-book. It qualifies as the best organic Matcha powder as it offers all that is expected of a Matcha drink though there is a full refund for buyers that are not satisfied.
8. MRM Raw Matcha Green Powder

This is one of the best Matcha powder with only the natural Matcha and without additives, preservatives and sugar or sweeteners. This product is FDA approved and that means it is safe for consumption. It is also very pure and without any heavy metal during grinding of the leaves into powder.
 9. Matcha-Ninja Cold Brewed Green Powder

This is a quality green tea powder that is made for easy use as it is powdered in such a way that buyers can drink it when prepared with cold water. It is however very pure and without additives, sugar, and preservatives. Approved by the FDA, it is safe for consumption and buyers can be sure of its effectiveness.
10. Eco Head Organic Matcha Green Powder

This product is packed into a 30g or 1.05oz bag. Produced in the Uji part of Japan, it has a bright green color and a fresh grassy aroma that makes you want to drink some more. Buyers are protected by the brand’s 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the green tea.
These are the best Matcha Green Tea Powders to buy and be sure that you are not getting the lesser quality of Green Matcha Tea. If you feel like our Best Match Green Tea Powder article and recommended Matcha Teas are worth sharing, feel free doing so.
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