40 Best Foods to Eat to Live Longer, Happier & Healthier

This article presents the best foods to eat to live longer. These longevity foods, when consumed in moderation (like everything is life actually) can add tens of years to your lifespan. More importantly, these foods are packed with nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals that will keep you physically and mentally strong as you age.
Do you want to live longer, healthier and happier? I sure do! I want to pass the 100 years old mark and still be a strong, active and beautiful man (for my age of course).
I don’t want to end up being miserable, helpless, begging my children and social services to help me live.
That’s why I have dedicated my life studying health, nature, food, how the body works, as well as why do common diseases happen to us, why we age and why most people around the world suffer from one point of their life and onward.
So I decided to create this list of foods to eat to live longer. All these foods are essential to my diet and I hope they will become essential in your diet as well (if not all of them, at least some :))
So let’s jump right in!
You Are What You Eat…
When it comes to our health, it’s important to remember that diet and nutrition play an essential role in determining just how healthy we are. There’s a reason why the life expectancy of people that lead to unhealthy lifestyles and consume copious amounts of processed junk food are considerably shorter than those that lead a healthy lifestyle.
The fact of the matter is that the foods and drinks that we consume regularly play a massive role in our overall health and well-being, which is why eating healthily is so important. Obesity rates are sky-high, life expectancy is dropping, chronic illness is now accepted as part of everyday living, and our health, in general, is on the decline. Something has to change, and that something for a lot of people is their diet.
Best Foods to Eat to Live Longer
Here’s the list with the Longevity foods to eat to live longer, happier, and healthier.
💡 My research is evidence based. It contains scientific references. The numbers in the parentheses (1, 2, 3) are clickable links to peer-reviewed scientific papers.
Matcha green tea

Okay, we know that matcha green tea is technically not a food, but it’s extremely healthy, and it can be used in cooking, so we’ve included it. Matcha green tea is rammed full of antioxidants, which help to protect your cells from damage caused by toxins and free radicals (1).
It is loaded full of vitamins and minerals and is considered to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. With each sip of matcha, you will enjoy a super-concentrated dose of antioxidants (2). One of which is Epigallocatechin Galate, or EGCG for short. This antioxidant is renowned for its anti-cancer benefits.
☝️ The best Matcha Tea (in my opinion) available in the market right now is from Matcha Green Tea by Kiss Me Organics on Amazon.com and Supreme Matcha Green Tea by Pukka Herbs on PureFormulas.com
You may also want to check our article on 14 Matcha green tea Health Benefits According to Science and Top 10 Best Matcha Green Tea Powder.
🌰 Seeds and nuts

Seeds and nuts are other examples of incredibly beneficial foods. Commonly consumed as a convenient snack, or added to other dishes for extra flavor and texture, seeds and nuts are packed full of muscle-building protein.
Furthermore, most seeds and nuts are also packed full of healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce harmful cholesterol, strengthen the heart, and boost brainpower (3). You’ll also find that they’re rich in minerals and dietary fiber, making them great for the digestive system.
☝️ I recommend adding to your diet raw almonds (unroasted and unsalted), walnuts and hazelnuts to rip all the above mentioned benefits. Also, add to your diet these mineral packed, protein rich and full of healthy omega-3 fats seeds: flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
👉 Hemp seeds doesn’t taste that good compared to the other foods in this section. I like to use hemp powder blended with almond milk or water and bananas. Some people like to sprinkle it over their oatmeal.
Leafy greens

Leafy greens such as cabbage, kale, spinach, and broccoli are amongst the healthiest foods in existence.
Leafy greens are loaded full of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and can, therefore, help you to fight off illness and disease. They’re also rich in other vitamins, including metabolism-boosting B vitamins, and vitamin K, which plays an important role in countless other physiological processes within the body.
Then there’re the minerals. Leafy greens are packed full of essential minerals, including zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, and calcium (4). These minerals do everything from regulating your hormones to strengthening your bones, preventing muscle cramps, and assisting with oxygen transportation.
As a bonus, green leafy veggies taste great too. In terms of foods to eat to live longer, leafy greens are certainly up there with the best.
👉 I meet a lot of people who complain they don’t have the time to prepare juicy salads packed with leafy greens or that they can’t consume the amounts needed to keep their health optimized. If you are one of them, I recommend supplementing yourself with Fruits & Veggies from BalanceofNature.com.

Beans are a member of the legume family. Beans such as kidney beans, butter beans, green beans, and broad beans contain heaps of dietary fiber.
Fiber in the body, helps to assist with digestion, it reduces dangerous LDL cholesterol (5), it promotes satiety, and it can even reduce your risk of digestive-related cancers.
Beans also contain minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and iron. These minerals help to reduce stress, boost immunity, and increase oxygen transportation and red blood cell counts respectively (6).
Beans are also a great source of plant-based protein, making them great for vegetarians and vegans looking to get enough protein in their diets.
🧅 Onions

Onions are one of the most versatile foods in the world. When you stop and think about it, onion is often used as the base for countless savory dishes. As tasty as an onion is, today we’re focusing on what it is about onion that makes it so healthy.
Onions are very nutrient-dense, whilst being low in calories and fat-free, making them great for weight management. They contain vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and helps you to fight off illness and disease.
They’re also rich in B vitamins, which help to boost the metabolism. Onions contain quercetin which is an antioxidant celebrated for its anti-inflammatory properties (7). This flavonoid helps to reduce blood pressure making it a very powerful weapon in the fight against hypertension.
The antioxidants in onions also help to eradicate free radicals and toxins which could damage and destroy your cells, leading to cancer and other chronic conditions.
🤨 Not an onion fan? Use McCormick Culinary Minced Onion instead.
🍄 Mushrooms

Mushrooms often don’t get the recognition that they deserve when it comes to being healthy. Most mushrooms are a dull beige color, and as you know, beige food is generally associated with being heavily processed and very unhealthy.
Mushrooms, however, are amongst the healthiest foods on the planet. Mushrooms are a great source of vitamin D, which we need for the uptake of calcium into our bones, and for optimal mental health.
Vitamin D assists with the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin, which lift the mood and promote relaxation. They also contain B vitamins which help to boost metabolism and give you more energy.
Best mushrooms to add to your diet are shiitake mushrooms and reishi mushrooms. Shiitake mushrooms are very beneficial to your heart as they can lower LDL Cholesterol (8) and reishi mushrooms help you to keep your immune system boosted (9) and fight cancer cells (10).
☝️ Shiitake and Reishi mushrooms can be consumed in a capsule or powder form. I recommend this Shiitake Mushroom capsules and this Reishi Mushroom Powder.

Berries such as cherries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are loaded full of antioxidants (11) and are great examples of foods to eat to live longer.
These antioxidants help to fight inflammation, they promote cellular health, they strengthen the immune system, have huge impact on cardiovascular health (12) and they help to ward off illness and disease.
You’ll also find that berries are surprisingly low in fructose sugars, despite their naturally sweet taste. This makes them very useful for regulating your blood glucose levels. As a bonus, berries are ready to eat, so they’re an extremely convenient snack food to enjoy on the go.
👍 Berries can be expensive. You can add berries to your diet by simply buying them in powder form and adding them to smoothies juices and water. The healthiest berries are blueberries, raspberries, Goji berries, Cranberries and Açai Berries.
🥕 Carrots

Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables in the world. Carrots are instantly recognizable due to their brilliant orange color. This is mainly due to their natural beta-carotene content.
Beta-carotene is a precursor for vitamin A, which is incredibly good for your eyes (13). People say that carrots help you to see better in the dark, which is because of their naturally high beta-carotene content.
Carrots are also high in fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Vitamin K plays an important role in the clotting of blood, and wound healing, making carrots a great food to consume if you have suffered a cut or other similar wound.
👍 Recommended Book: Curing Cancer With Carrots.

Buckwheat is not a member of the wheat family. It isn’t a grain at all. Buckwheat is instead a seed commonly cultivated in Asia and used in a variety of different dishes.
Buckwheat contains a nutrient known as rutin which is a phytonutrient with antioxidant properties (14). This nutrient helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels, Detoxifying aluminium (15) and it provides many cardiovascular benefits, including the reduction of artery-clogging LDL cholesterol.
Because of its phenolic compounds and its impressive antioxidant profile, buckwheat is a great anti-cancer food as well (16). It’s also a great source of plant-based protein and loaded with minerals (17).
☝️ You can buy buckwheat from your local store. If you can’t or you are not able to find good quality buckwheat, you can get the 100% Organic certified Buckwheat from Eden Foods. It is a great value for money product.

Seaweed such as kelp is one of the healthiest foods in existence. Seaweed contains iodine, which is essential for wound healing and fighting infection. It also contains tyrosine.
Both of these nutrients work in synergy together to improve thyroid function (18). Seaweed is also a nutritional powerhouse as it is packed full of important minerals and vitamins which are essential for optimal health and well-being.
👌 YouTube’s sensation Dr. Eric Berg is selling on Amazon one of the best Kelp supplements you can find. Kelp in this supplement is source from the coast of Iceland and it is organic. I really trust that guy, and I am sure he only sells the best of the best.
🌶️ Red chili peppers

Red chili peppers are surprisingly rich in antioxidants, making them great for the cells. Chilies get their heat from a compound known as capsaicin, and it is capsaicin which is beneficial for a lot of reasons.
Capsaicin has been found to help ease inflammation and it can help to ease pain and discomfort thanks to its natural pain-killing properties.
Red chilies help to reduce blood triglyceride levels (19) whilst boosting the human body’s natural ability to digest a compound known as fibrin. Fibrin is integral for the formation of blood clots.
Finally, you’ll also fight off illness, disease, and infection with plenty of red chili in your diet as the food is loaded full of nutrients that the immune system thrives upon.
Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, Bok Choy, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and many more, are not only delicious, they’re also very good for you.
They’re crammed full of nutrients, including glucosinolates, which have powerful anti-cancer properties (20).
These compounds help to protect your cells from DNA damage, whilst providing anti-viral and anti-bacterial benefits (21). Cruciferous veggies are also rich in minerals such as potassium and calcium, and vitamins including vitamin C, and vitamin K.

Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) isn’t just fruit with delicious and pretty-looking seeds, it’s also one of the healthiest foods in existence.
Pomegranate is a potent source of antioxidants which help to remove free radicals from the body and protect your cells from oxidative stress and damage.
The antioxidants not only help to protect you against various forms of cancer, but they also improve cognitive health and function and can protect you against degenerative brain conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease later on in life (22).
Finally, pomegranates are packed with vitamins and minerals, and they can significantly lengthen your lifespan if consumed regularly.
🧄 Garlic

Garlic (Allium sativum) may taste fantastic when combined with butter, but it does so much more than simply taste great.
Garlic is loaded full of healthy compounds with anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties (23). More and more studies are finding that garlic is one of the healthiest foods in existence.
Garlic is considered by many to be a very potent anti-cancer food. This is because garlic contains a compound known as diallyl sulfide. Diallyl sulfide helps to break carcinogens down in the body which could cause cancer if not adequately dealt with (24).
People that consume garlic regularly are 50% less likely to suffer from stomach cancer than people that don’t eat much garlic.
👃 Because of its bad smell, garlic is often avoided from consumption. Fortunately, supplement companies have extracted Allicin – the main compound of garlic and converted it in a dietary supplement. This way, you can enjoy all the health benefits of garlic without the unpleasant smell. One of the best Allicin supplements sold in America is Allicidin® from Premier Research Labs.
🍅 Tomatoes

Tomatoes get their brilliantly red color from a powerful antioxidant known as lycopene. Lycopene is a potent anti-inflammatory. In the body, inflammation can age your body and your cells, putting at risk for all kinds of health issues and chronic ailments including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and more (25).
As lycopene is such a powerful anti-inflammatory, your risk of suffering from chronic illness is substantially reduced when you consume tomatoes regularly. They also provide cardiovascular benefits as they reduce your LDL cholesterol levels (26).
🥑 Avocados

Avocados are very fashionable foods at the moment. Not only do they look great on Instagram, but avocados are also great for keeping you alive, fit, and healthy as well.
Avocados provide cardiovascular health benefits thanks to their monounsaturated healthy fat contents, so you’re less likely to suffer from heart disease, stroke, or a heart attack if you consume avocado regularly (27).
The good fats also help to reduce LDL cholesterol, and they boost healthy HDL cholesterol. Avocado is also a fantastic source of potassium, and gram for gram, avocado contains more potassium than a banana.
👍 Avoseedo sells Avocado Tree Growing Kits for home. It’s one of the best gifts you can make to you and your loved ones.
Olive Oil

Olive oil was widely considered the king of the healthy oils until coconut oil came along. Whether you’re team olive or team coconut, one thing we can all agree on is the fact that olive oil is incredibly good for us.
Olive oil is loaded full of monounsaturated fats, including oleic acid which is a powerful anti-inflammatory (28).
The healthy fats found in olive oil are also great for the joints, cardiovascular system, brain, metabolism, and much more.
Olive oil is also packed with antioxidants (29) and it is associated with cancer prevention due to oleic acid (30).
👌 The best olive oils come from Spain, Italy and Greece. If you want to get the best olive oil in your hands you should look for olive oils that are organic, cold-pressed and must feature a free acidity lower than 0.8% (Extra-Virgin Olive Oil).
🐟 Sardines

Sardines are an oily fish that we have been consuming for many centuries now. Sardines are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that help to prevent heart disease and reduce blood pressure.
Sardines are small fish that consume only plankton, hence they contain almost zero amounts of mercury than other, bigger fish do (like tuna).
They’re also a great source of vitamin B-12 for energy and vitamin D for the brain and the bones. They’re also rich in calcium, making them ideal for avoiding osteoporosis and brittle bone disease later on in life.
Also, sardines are packed with protein. It’s a great food for those of you who want to build muscles.
👍 TIP: Replace your canned tuna at home with canned sardines and +1 your health.
🍋 Lemon juice

Lemon juice will provide many health benefits to its consumers. Lemons are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C (38.7 mg/10gr) (31), making them great for people looking to strengthen and boost their immune systems.
Lemon juice is also rich in fiber, which helps to reduce harmful cholesterol and can, therefore, help reduce your risk of heart disease or a heart attack.
Because it contains citric acid, lemon juice is also great for the prevention of kidney stones (32), which is very painful and can severely affect your quality of life.
Also, studies have shown that Citric acid is a powerful killer of cancer cells (33).

Tahini is a delicious paste made from toasted and ground sesame seeds. It is light in texture and has a distinctly rich and nutty taste. Not only does tahini taste great, but it’s also very nutritious food (34).
Tahini is crammed full of minerals, including manganese, magnesium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus. These all play essential roles in countless physiological processes within our bodies.
It is also rich in antioxidants and will greatly reduce your risk of diseases such as type-2 diabetes as it helps regulate blood glucose levels.
☝️ TIP: Raw Tahini is always prepared with hot water. I like to add to my Tahini garlic, lemon, himalyan salt and olive oil. The amount you put for each ingredient is totally depended on you.

Olive oil is extracted from olives. Therefore, it would make sense that olives are indeed just as healthy as the oil they produce.
Olives are naturally high in vitamin E, making them great for the skin. Vitamin E helps to promote healthy skin cells and prevents cellular damage.
74% of the fats found in olives are oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fatty acid responsible for countless health benefits (35), including a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease.
Black olives also contain iron, which is responsible for the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Black olives are therefore great for the circulatory system.
Hemp seeds/powder

Hemp seeds are derived from the same species of plant as marijuana, but they are from a different variety, so they don’t provide anywhere near enough THC for them to be mind-altering.
What they do provide, however, is plenty of nutrients including alpha-linoleic acid which is great for the heart (36). Hemp seeds, and hemp powder which is made from the ground seeds can, therefore, reduce your risk of heart-related illness quite considerably (37).
Hemp seeds are high in protein, and they contain arginine, which is an amino acid needed to produce Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide dilates the blood vessels and can, therefore, help boost circulation and reduce your risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) (38).
💪 Hemp powder is perfect for vegan/vegetarian bodybuilders. It is the only vegan/vegetarian complete protein source, containing all 9 essential amino acids, humans must get from food.
Saigon cinnamon

Saigon cinnamon is sometimes known as Vietnamese cinnamon and it comes from the tree Cinnamomum loureiroi. It is slightly different from cassia cinnamon and Ceylon cinnamon, and it considers to be healthier.
Saigon cinnamon helps to cause your cells to become more sensitive to insulin, making it great for controlling blood sugar levels and preventing conditions such as diabetes.
It also contains antioxidants that help to fight inflammation and keep your cells healthy and functional.
The primary compound responsible for this is known as ‘cinnamaldehyde’. It is also a great anti-bacterial ingredient that also happens to taste great.
☝️ Saigon cinnamon has more cinnamaldehyde than other cinnamon types. This is why Saigon cinnamon is considered better than other cinnamons. This nutrient is responsible for cinnamon’s strong flavor and aroma. It has also powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt is a form of salt which is naturally pink. It is considered to be much healthier than regular salt as it is loaded full of minerals – 84 to be more accurate (39)
Native to the Himalayas in Pakistan, Himalayan salt contains minerals such as potassium, which helps to buffer lactic acid production and keep the heart fit and healthy.
It also contains sodium, iron, and magnesium, which help to balance fluids in the body, improve circulation, and promote good mental health respectively.
Himalayan salt can help to promote a good night’s sleep, balance your PH, regulate your blood sugar levels, balance your fluids, and much more.
Himalayan salt is handpicked by villagers in Pakistan (40) and no anti-caking agents are added inside – like in table salt. Also, it does not undergo a refining process – like table salt – that destroys most of the minerals.

Kefir is a form of fermented drink which is all the rage in the health and fitness community.
It is a great source of probiotics, making it ideal for promoting a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut. It is a powerful anti-bacterial ingredient that will help you to fight off illness and infection (41).
Kefir is also loaded full of vitamin K2 and calcium, which both help to strengthen the bones. Finally, the probiotics Kefir contains are thought to help prevent the formation of tumors in the body, making it a great anti-cancer ingredient (42).
☝️ You can make Kefir at home by buying ready-made Kefir cultures and adding them to water. You can get ready-made Kefir culture from here and here.
🍯 Raw honey

Raw Honey is the only food in the world that never spoils and never turns rancid, even when exposed to oxygen. Raw honey not only tastes sweet and delicious, but it’s also very healthy.
Raw honey is rich in antioxidants which protect your cells, it possesses many anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties (43), it promotes optimal digestion as it functions as a probiotic, and it’s surprisingly low in natural sugars.
⚠️ When visiting the supermarket I am sure you see hundreds of honey brands on the shelf. Not all honey is created equally though. There is honey brought to the US from Mexico and Latin America and is dubbed as American Raw Honey. There is even honey brought from various countries across Europe in the US, blended and packaged in the US and sold as an American product. So be careful. Whatever brand you decide to purchase READ THE LABEL first. I personally buy my honey from YS Eco Bee Farms. It’s USDA certified Organic made from bee hives that are actually in the US.
🥥 Coconut oil

Recently, coconut oil has emerged as being the most popular healthy cooking oil, and for good reason (44). Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs for short.
These fats take less time to be broken down and absorbed, so they’re used as an instant source of energy.
Coconut oil also boosts good cholesterol, it’s great for the heart, it controls blood sugar levels, and it provides cognitive health benefits for the brain (45). Oh, and it also tastes delicious as well.
🍏 Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, or ACV for short, has been used for medicinal properties for hundreds of years (46). ACV is a great source of acetic acid which helps to kill off harmful bacteria in the body (47).
ACV also helps to increase insulin sensitivity, making it great for reducing blood sugar levels (48). It even helps to reduce blood triglycerides in the body, making it very good for the heart.
☝️ Make sure you choose Apple Cider vinegar which is Certified Organic, Raw, is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized and with 5% or less acidity. For example Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar.

Turmeric is not only a popular root spice, but it’s also a very powerful anti-inflammatory. It is so powerful that it matches the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs (49). Its primary ingredient is a compound known as curcumin which is a potent anti-inflammatory.
You can consume as much curcumin as you want without any side effects (50).
Curcumin works by blocking the NF-kB molecule which is responsible for inflammation. This molecule travels to the nuclei of your cells and switches on genes responsible for inflammation. By blocking this molecule, curcumin can prevent inflammation at the cause.
Turmeric is also able to increase the antioxidant capacity within your body, helping you to naturally produce more.
☝️ TIP: Consuming black pepper (piperine) with turmeric helps the absorption of curcumin in the bloodstream by 2000% (51). Vimerson Health has a fantastic Turmeric Supplement with 10mg of Black pepper for better absorption.
Maca root

Maca root is derived from a plant that grows naturally in the Andes. It is a member of the cruciferous family. It is commonly found in the sexual health section of supplement stores as it is believed to increase libido in both men and women.
Maca Root is highly nutritious. It contains high amounts of Vitamin C, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Vitamin B6 and Manganese among others (52).
Maca helps to boost blood circulation, making it a great treatment for erectile dysfunction in men. It can also naturally increase your energy levels as it boosts oxygen transportation (53).
👍 Maca root is drained up and usually consumed as a powder or in capsules. One of the best Maca Root powders out there is made by MRM and by NaturalLife Labs.
Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a natural herbal ingredient native to China. It contains an impressive amount of terpenoids and flavonoids, which serve as potent antioxidants (54).
Ginkgo is also able to significantly reduce inflammation, making it great for pain management and the prevention of chronic health issues such as Arthritis, Cancer, Heart disease, Stroke (55)
It is also able to increase Nitric Oxide production by 12%, which then dilates the blood vessels and speeds up rates of circulation.
Finally (and the most important) Ginkgo Biloba reduces anxiety (56) and improves your brain function (57). Both situations play an important role in longevity.
You can consume Ginkgo Biloba in a powder form or in capsules. Bulk Supplements on Amazon sells 1kg (2.2 lbs) for less than $40.

Ginger is not just a delicious culinary ingredient, it also happens to be one of the healthiest foods in existence and one of my favorite foods to eat to live longer.
Ginger is enriched with beneficial compounds, including gingerol. Gingerol is a substance which is renowned for its medicinal properties. Gingerol functions as a potent anti-inflammatory with many antioxidant properties.
Ginger is also great for treating and preventing nausea – especially for pregnant women (57) – and for reducing blood sugar levels hence improving heart disease risk factors (58).
Finally, studies have shown that ginger has anti-cancer properties due to 6-gingerol, a substance found in huge quantities in ginger (59).
😁 I like adding a half spoon of Ginger powder in my soups. It gives them a bitter taste and supercharges them with nutritional and anticancer properties.

Although Spinach falls into the Leafy Greens category, it deserves a place in this longevity foods list on its own.
Spinach is a green leafy vegetable with a brilliant vibrant green color. It is classed as a superfood because of its hugely impressive nutritional profile (60). Spinach contains vitamins C, K, E, and B as well as heaps of minerals including iron and calcium.
In fact, for bone health, spinach, gram for gram, contains more calcium than milk.
You’ll find a compound in spinach known as lutein, which helps to prevent macular degeneration of the eyes (61).
Spinach can be consumed in raw form, in tablet form and in powder form. I usually buy spinach from my local store in raw form.

If you’re looking for sweet and delicious foods to eat to live longer, figs are the ideal choice. Figs are a type of fruit that has been consumed by humans for thousands of years.
They’re rich in soluble fiber which is great for promoting satiety and keeping you feeling full for longer. They’re also very nutritionally dense, as they contain several vitamins and minerals needed by the body for it to function at its best as well as superior quality of antioxidants (62).
Figs can also help to increase insulin sensitivity and improve digestive health thanks to their naturally high levels of dietary fiber.
👉 I’m sure you can get figs from your local supermarket or fruit market. If you are looking for a source through to get USDA Organic Figs online, click here.
Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass is perhaps the most fashionable health ingredient on our longevity foods list today. Commonly found in supplement stores and juice bars, wheatgrass is derived from the sprouting leaves of wheat plants.
It is naturally high in vitamins and antioxidants, as well as amino acids (63). Amino acids are the building blocks of protein molecules.
Wheatgrass contains 17 amino acids – 8 of which are essential. Wheatgrass is also able to reduce bad cholesterol levels, making it great for the heart, cardiovascular system, and circulatory system.
👆 Do you know that you can grow your own wheatgrass at home? There are many DIY kits available at amazon that don’t cost much. If you are a bit lazier (like me) and you want something ready to be mixed, then GreenFoods’s, USDA Organic Wheatgrass Juice Powder must be your number one choice.

Spirulina is a form of blue-green algae which is a nutritional juggernaut (64). Loaded full of vitamins and minerals – like iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, and manganese in particular – you’ll find plenty of metabolism-boosting B vitamins in spirulina.
Also, a single tablespoon packs 4 grams of protein. Great for muscle building.
Like the other foods on this list, it too provides impressive anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can protect the cells from oxidative stress and damage.
👍 Spirulina is best consumed in a tablet form. NOW’s USDA Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets (120X1000mg) is the best value for money choice in the market at the moment.
🍠 Sweet potatoes

Finally, we have sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are a starchy root vegetable that can be used in sweet and savory cooking.
They are highly nutritious as they’re loaded full of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.
They’re also a great source of soluble fiber which means that they’re great for digestive health and function. You’ll also find anthocyanins in sweet potatoes, which are a group of antioxidants that have been found to slow the growth of some forms of cancer cells in the body.
Like carrots, they get their orange color from beta-carotene, which helps to promote healthy vision.
👍 Sweet Potatoes are much more nutrient-dense and healthy than normal potatoes. You can easily replace normal potatoes with them and enjoy a healthier lifestyle with minimum change to your lifestyle.
Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is the same type of yeast used to bake bread and make beer. Although they are made from the same species of, they are completely different products.
Nutritional Yeast is a very nutritious food. It contains all nine essential amino acids that humans need to get from their food. One teaspoon has 2gr of protein making it a perfect food for growing muscles.
It is also packed with vitamin B. For example, one teaspoon of Nutritional Yeast covers approximately 30% – 180% of the RDI.
Finally, it is loaded with trace minerals such as zinc, selenium, manganese and molybdenum and powerful antioxidants such as glutathione and selenomethionine (66)
👍 Nutritional Yeast in widely available in grocery stores, health stores and supplement stores. If you prefer getting it online, I suggest Fortified Nutritional Yeast from Now Foods.

Quinoa is one of the most popular health foods in the world – and for a good reason.
Quinoa has all nine amino acids our body needs making it a complete protein. It is also high in magnesium, fiber, iron, B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium and phosphorus.
Quinoa is also packed with antioxidants. Two of the most important are quercetin and kaempferol. These particular antioxidants have anti-viral, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties (67)
👍 Quinoa is very easy to be added to your everyday life and enhance your longevity efforts. I consume quinoa 2-3 times per week as it is very easy to prepare. You just add one part quinoa and two parts water and you boil it for about 15 minutes. It is one of my favorite foods to eat to live longer.
🍌 Bananas

Bananas are extremely good for you. And don’t listen to some health-gurus that say to limit your banana intake to 1 – 2 per day. I’ve been eating like 5 – 7 bananas per day for the last 5 – 6 years and I feel stronger than ever.
Bananas contain many important nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Fibers and Protein. Bananas are also filled with antioxidants and can also aid in weight loss because they make you feel full – preventing food cravings.
Finally, bananas due to their high potassium and magnesium levels can help with keeping your heart healthy since research has shown that these two minerals are good for heart health (68, 69)
👍 If you are not a banana lover you can try supplementing your self with a potassium and magnesium supplement
So, there you have it. Just a few of the many, many foods to eat to live longer if we want to live a long, healthy, and happy life. When it comes to your diet, the healthier the produce you consume, the healthier and happier you’ll be as a result.
👋 If you’ve found this article useful, please share it with your friends, family, and social communities. It will mean a lot to me. (You’ll be also making humanity a favor 😉). Also, I would love to hear your comments on the foods I mentioned above.
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