6 Easy Methods On How To Replenish Electrolytes (+Recipes)

In this article, we explain how to replenish electrolytes in your body using 6 easy methods as well as recommend some electrolyte recipes you can make at home.
Electrolytes are minerals that dissolve in water and create electrically charged particles called ions. They are essential for maintaining fluid balance in the body and for supporting nerve and muscle function.
An electrolyte is any substance that contains free ions and behaves as a conducting medium for electricity.
Electrolytes are necessary for muscle contractions so that a person can move, breathe, circulate blood and generally maintain vitality.
In extreme temperature conditions, e.g. when it is very hot, due to intense perspiration and breathing, the body expels a large amount of water containing electrolytes. The same can happen after intense exercise.
In these cases you need replenishment of electrolytes either through some energy drinks or through the right foods.
How To Replenish Electrolytes
Read Also: Potassium & Sodium: The Two Most Important Electrolytes!

Homemade electrolyte drink for dehydration
Here are some quick and easy homemade electrolyte drink recipes that will help you hydrate and regain your energy levels.
1) Celery + apple + lemon juice
This combination wonderfully replenishes electrolytes in your body. Celery is a rich natural source of potassium and sodium, magnesium, chloride anions and phosphorus.
Apple provides additional potassium and natural sweeteners. Finally, lemon is the best electrolyte of all citrus fruits.
2) Sea salt + baking soda + lemon juice + maple syrup in 250 ml of water
This is a wonderful natural recipe for endurance athletes. You might think that drinking baking soda is a bit strange but it’s been used for centuries.
Consuming baking soda makes your body less acidic as well as being a rich source of sodium bicarbonate.
3) Coconut water + chia seeds
Coconut water contains a large amount of electrolytes and potassium which will help you stay hydrated and help you avoid cramps. It is completely natural water and very low in sugars.
Combine these nutritional elements with a packet of chia seeds to have a dynamite blend. Chia seeds are an amazing energy food, a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fiber.
They have the ability to keep you hydrated because they can absorb and retain 9 times their weight in fluids.
4) Banana + almond milk + kale
This smoothie is super hydrating. The banana provides large amounts of potassium and magnesium, which help regulate fluids in your body. Almonds are a rich source of magnesium and potassium as well.
When making almond milk, remember to add salt (unless you add standard almond milk, which contains salt). Kale is a superfood and an excellent source of magnesium and calcium.
Final Take
Electrolytes are probably the main reason why you feel tired and exhausted. That’s because they are responsible for conducting electrical impulses in your body, and when they are imbalanced, your body doesn’t function properly.
Replenishing electrolytes is essential to maintain optimal health and preventing diseases. The best way to do it is by following a healthy diet and adding an electrolyte supplement to your daily routine.
Do you have any other tips on how to replenish electrolytes? Share them with us in the comments section below!
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