9 Secrets That Guarantee Longevity And Mental Health

In recent years, the average life expectancy has declined as we see more and more young people leaving this life early on.
But you don’t have to be from Ikaria to reach 100 years. But how are you going to live many years living a normal life if you don’t live in Ikaria?
Below you will find the characteristics you need to have to live longer and that will help you in general in your life.
Genetic Predisposition
The truth is that genes play a very big role in longevity and it is genes that scientists are very interested in. Although no specific longevity genes have been found, there are some similarities between people who live longer than others.
Most people over the age of 100 have close relatives who also have long lives. In addition, scientists have discovered a number of similar genetic mutations found in people who have lived 100 years or more. This may be because their biological age is 10 to 30 years below their actual age.
Normal weight and a careful diet are the two things that distinguish these people. The Japanese, among whom we find the highest percentage of centenarians, have the popular belief that it is enough to fill up on 80% of food, that is, that we should get up from the table while still being a little hungry.
Other countries with high longevity rates confirm this theory. Not everyone eats completely healthy, but the body mass index for each of them remains slightly below average.
Related: 40 Real Foods to Eat to Live Longer, Happier & Healthier
Mediterranean And Japanese Diet
The longest life expectancy is that of the inhabitants of Japan and the longest woman in the world lived in the south of France.

Nutritionists have pointed out that these places on the planet are the most beneficial in terms of nutrition.
The Japanese consume a lot of fish and seafood and Mediterranean countries such as southern France, Italy, Spain and Greece have a high consumption of olive oil and many fruits and vegetables.
All of these are much more beneficial than roasted red meats, fatty sauces and other popular dishes in many countries of the world.
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Social Activity
People who reach old age stand out thanks to their psychological balance. They do not suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or other brain problems.
Many scientists believe that with genetics, brain preservation guarantees social activity. Most people who live for many years participate in social activities until very old age.
Related: Neuroactiv6 Review: Best Brain Boosting Nootropic?
Systematic Exercise
Regular exercise really does help to prolong life significantly, and people over the age of 100 are proof of this.
Most of them have been active in sport from a young age and have maintained this habit as they have grown older.

Of course, an old person will not go to the gym, but he or she could incorporate walking for even half an hour a day or gardening into their life, which would help them to exercise.
Spiritual Activity
With age, it is increasingly difficult to maintain mental activity, but those who live for a long time in good health always keep their minds sharp.
Researchers found that even at age 115, many of them were still able to solve math problems and read very complicated books. Lack of mental activity accelerates the aging of the brain and contributes to the development of problems in its functioning.
But if you think that growing up you’re not going to read a book, you can do crossword puzzles and watch the news so that your brain never becomes dormant.
Related: 9 Centenarian Secrets for a Long and Happy Life
Intergenerational Communication
Scientists have discovered that, in adulthood, communicating with young people has a positive effect on one’s psychological state and makes one feel younger.
People who work or communicate with younger people often feel better. In addition, communicating with the younger generation makes you feel more important and creative.
Almost everyone who lives over 100 years believes in God and is a religious believer.
Scientists confirm this. Developing spirituality and religiosity can actually extend life span.
But it doesn’t matter what religion that person believes in, since it is not the religion itself that helps, but rather the sense of sociability and faith that believers feel.

MassZymes Enzymes
THE STRONGEST ENZYME FORMULA EVER: MassZymes (full review) is a full-spectrum enzyme formula with more protease than any other commercially available, with 5 different kinds of protease. Plus, it contains all the other key enzymes you need for optimal digestion.
Those who are actively involved in the life of their religious community usually have a developed social network. And people who have things in common with others feel happier, have less stress and are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease.
Working in Open Space
Many people who have lived 100 years or more are physically active and spend a lot of time in nature.
Scientists have discovered that in an area of Greece where agriculture and sheep farming were the main activities, there were many more people with very long lives than in other parts of the country.
The same is true in other countries, such as Italy. It is quite possible that frequent exercise, ecological living and a careful diet may have helped these people to stay fit and live longer.
In addition, working on the land reduces stress, improves well-being and increases self-esteem. And to achieve this, it’s not necessary to radically change your habits. Adopting gardening as a hobby is already enough.
Related: Spending 20 Minutes A Day In Nature Could Relieve Urban Stress. A New Study Claims.
Final Take
How you will live for many years I think we have answered that. It is now your turn to incorporate some of these habits into your life and you will surely manage to live longer without diseases.
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