6 of The Best Supplements For Injury Recovery

If you had a recent injury and want to find the best supplements for injury recovery you’ve come to the right place. Use the ”jump-links” below to check the supplements we recommend or continue to the full story.
Soren Mavrogenis, a physiotherapist in Copenhagen, and naturalists from the Danish Olympic team use a combination of fatty acids and antioxidants to treat injuries to Olympic champions and other top athletes.
Best Supplements For Injury Recovery
Fatty Acids
Fatty acids include omega-3 from fish oils (706 mg daily), GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) (670 mg daily), and moderate amounts of antioxidants.
In one of many controlled studies, Soren and Danish doctors cured 40 athletes, men, and women aged 18 to 60, with a supplement of fatty acids and antioxidants or placebo for a month.
All study participants had suffered from injuries to sports activities, experiencing chronic inflammation for at least three months prior to the start of the study.
Alongside the supplements or placebo, participants were also subjected to physiotherapy. Almost all participants who received the supplements and physiotherapy had significant reductions in inflammation and pain.
Vitamin E & C
Exercise is well documented that it increases the levels of free radicals, which can damage DNA. Clinical trials have found that vitamin E supplements can reduce or prevent such DNA damage. Vitamin C also fights free radicals and is essential for the formation of new collagen and cartilage during the therapeutic process.
Related: How to Repair DNA Naturally
Pycnogenol, a complex of natural antioxidants obtained from the bark of French sea pines, has impressive anti-inflammatory properties. It also increases the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the body.
The chiropractor Anthony Martin in Montreal has cured many Canadian professional athletes. In one case, a hockey player who had injured his knee was advised by the team doctor that he should have surgery and be out of the sport for eight weeks.
Anthony Martin suggested that the player take 400 mg of pycnogenol daily. His knee stopped swelling and after a week he no longer needed crutches. He managed to avoid surgery and played hockey again after just three weeks.
Other Supplements For Injury Recovery
Various other ingredients can be useful in the treatment of injuries as well. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), 1,000 to 2,000 mg daily, has been found to be very effective in reducing muscle and articular pains.
SAMe (S-ade¬nosyl-L-methionine) stimulates collagen production. Both components act to some extent because they give sulfur to basic biochemical processes. B vitamins have an analgesic effect and are needed to produce new healthy cells.
Supplements like MSM, SAMe, Pycnogenol, etc can be life-saving when it comes to injuries. Just imagine what the career and life of that Canadian professional hockey player would be if not like a man like Anthony Martin appeared in his way.
His life would be ruined.
Now imagine you have an injury that hindered your ability to work. Most mainstream doctors would tell you to have to fulfill your superannuation TPD claims, go have surgery and stay crippled and not be able to work for the rest of your life.
Nature is always here to protect us and give solutions to our problems. With proper knowledge and guidance from the right people (non-conventional doctors, right TPD Lawyers in the case of the TPD claim mentioned above), everything is possible.
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