14 Proven Things That Happen to Your Body When You Walk Every Day

A couple is walking in the park holding hands.

In this article I am going to explain what happens when you walk everyday for at least 30 minutes according to scientific evidence.

So, if you ever wondered what walking on a daily basis will do to your body, here’s what reseach says.

For quick reference check this table I prepared.

The numbers in brackets will take you to scientific and trusted resources for further studying. After this table there is a more detailed explanation and analysis of each benefit found on this table.

Helps You Lose WeightWalking can help you burn calories and lose weight. [1]
Improves heart healthWalking for at least 30 minutes a day can increase cardiovascular fitness, lower resting heart rate, and lower blood pressure. [2] [3]
Reduces risk of chronic diseasesWalking can help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some types of cancer. [4] [5]
Improves mental healthWalking can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. With walking you will feel more relaxed and calm. Walking can also boost your self-esteem and make you feel more confident [6] [7]
Stronger bones and musclesBrisk walking can help strengthen your bones and muscles, and reduce your risk of osteoporosis. [8]
Improves sleepWalking can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. [9] [10]
Increases energy levelsWalking can help you feel more energized and improve your overall fitness. [11]
Reduces risk of fallsWalking can help improve your balance and coordination, and reduce your risk of falls. [12]
Makes you happierWalking can help reduces depression and improve your mood. I can make you feel happier and more more hopeful. [13] [14]
Increases cognitive functionWalking can help improve your memory, focus, concentration and reduce cognitive decline. [15] [16] [17]
Improves creativityWalking can help improve your creativity and problem-solving skills. [18]
Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementiaWalking may help reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. [19] [20]
Reduces risk of insomniaWalking may help reduce your risk of developing insomnia. [21] [22]
Increases LifespanResearch has shows that walking four times weekly for at least 15 min is associated with longevity. [23]

What happens when you walk everyday?

Our BMI (Body Mass Index) is constantly on the rise and it’s not hard to see why. We live in a terrible, junk food-obsessed world that lets obesity run wild.

Additionally, we’re less and less physically active each year, putting our health in grave danger. We don’t have the time to walk or exercise, we constantly find excuses not to eat healthy, and we don’t even sleep as we should anymore.

All of it is taking a toll on our health and destroying our bodies from the inside out.

The solution to obesity, a normal BMI and numerous other health problems has actually been right in front of our nose.

Walking is actually key to lower body mass index and perfect health. Just 30 minutes of it per day has stunning effects on our health and weight that no one was aware of until recently.

Taking a walk will relax your body and mind and provide a variety of surprising benefits, all of which contribute toward better health.

1. Helps You Lose Weight

Walking every day can really help you with your weight loss goals. It’s a simple kind of exercise that doesn’t stress your body too much, but it still helps you burn extra calories.

Studies have found that if you make a habit of walking regularly, you can gradually lose weight and avoid putting on more pounds.

Here’s why walking is good for weight loss:

  • When you walk, your body uses up energy, which helps you use more calories than you eat. This calorie deficit is key for losing weight.
  • Plus, walking can speed up your metabolism. This means your body gets better at burning calories all the time, not just when you’re walking. It’s like giving your body’s calorie-burning power a little boost. Walking also works your muscles, which can help your metabolism too.

2. Improves heart health

fruits in heart shaped bowl
Fruits in a heart shaped bowl

Walking every day is really good for your heart. It’s like giving your heart a workout, which makes it stronger and cuts down the risk of heart problems.

Here’s how it works:

When you walk regularly, your heart gets more efficient at pumping blood, so your blood pressure goes down, and your resting heart rate gets lower.

This is a big deal because it means your heart is in better shape.

Studies have shown that if you walk for at least 30 minutes a day, you can help reduce the bad cholesterol in your blood while boosting the good cholesterol. [24]

That’s important because too much bad cholesterol can lead to clogged arteries, which is bad news for your heart.

3. Reduces risk of chronic diseases

Walking every day is like a shield for your health.

It’s simple: by walking for just half an hour each day, you can lower your chances of getting type 2 diabetes. [4] [5]

This is because walking helps keep your blood sugar levels in check, and when these levels are stable, diabetes is less likely to knock on your door.

Now, let’s talk about cancer. No one wants to face that battle, right?

Well, walking can help you stand strong against certain cancers, like those of the breast and colon. [25] [26]


By getting your body moving, you’re helping to balance your hormones and kick your immune system into gear. [27]

These are your body’s defenders against cancer.

4. Improves mental health

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Walking every day can really help your mind feel better. It can make you happier and less anxious or stressed.

Scientists have found out that if you walk regularly, you mightn’t feel as depressed or nervous. When you move your body by walking, it makes chemicals called endorphins, which help lift your spirits.

Also, being outside in the sun can make your brain create more serotonin, another thing that makes you feel good.

Plus, walking has a steady beat to it that can help you feel calm, almost like meditation. Again, this can help you relax and stress less.

When you feel better mentally, you often start to feel better about yourself too. So, by making walking part of your day, you’re likely to see these good changes in how you feel.

5. Stronger bones and muscles

Walking every day can really help make your bones and muscles stronger, which is super important for keeping them healthy over time.

When you go for a brisk walk, the simple action of your feet hitting the ground is actually a good workout for your bones.

It’s like they’re getting a signal to build up and get tougher, which means they’re less likely to break.

Walking also works out the muscles in your legs, hips, and belly area.

These muscles get stronger and help hold everything in place, which cuts down on the chances of taking a tumble or breaking a bone.

Why does this matter?

Well, as we get older, our bones can get weaker, a condition called osteoporosis.

This makes it easier for bones to break. Plus, having strong muscles is key to moving around easily and doing everyday stuff without a hitch.

Related: 17 Best Foods For Bone Health

6. Improves sleep

A Woman is sleeping peacefully in her bed
A Woman is sleeping peacefully in her bed

Walking every day for at least 30 minutes can help you sleep better. This is because regular exercise, like walking, makes your body warmer and then cools it down afterward, which can make you feel more ready for sleep.

Walking also helps calm your mind, which is great if stress or worry often keeps you awake. Plus, it keeps your body’s internal clock on track, so your sleep pattern is more regular.

Going for a walk, especially when it’s sunny, also helps manage your body’s natural sleep hormone, melatonin, ensuring you get sleepy when it’s time for bed.

If you make walking a part of your daily routine, you’re likely to notice that you fall asleep easier and feel more energetic when you wake up.

7. Increases energy levels

Walking is a simple exercise that does more than just get you moving. It boosts your energy by improving blood flow and sending more oxygen to every part of your body.

When you walk, your heart pumps faster, which helps get those nutrients and oxygen to your muscles and cells. This can make you feel more refreshed and alert.

Walking outside is especially good for your energy levels. The sunlight you get can help keep your internal body clock, or circadian rhythm, in check.

This means better sleep at night and more alertness during the day. Plus, walking can trigger your body to release endorphins, chemicals in your brain that make you feel good and energized, which can help shake off any tiredness.

Making walking a regular part of your routine can help keep your energy up all day long. This means you might find it easier to focus at work or school and enjoy your daily activities more.

So, grab your sneakers and hit the pavement, a park, or a trail. You might be surprised by how much more energized you’ll feel.

8. Reduces risk of falls

Walking regularly can help you avoid falling by making you steadier on your feet.

When you walk, you use different muscles in your legs, hips, and middle part of your body, which makes these muscles stronger.

Stronger muscles mean you can keep your balance better and are less likely to fall over.

Studies have found that people who walk often aren’t as likely to fall as those who don’t move around much. [12]

If you walk outside where the ground is bumpy or there are things in your way, it can give your balance an even better workout.

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9. Makes you happier

Walking every day can make you feel happier. This isn’t just a guess; studies back it up.

When people walk regularly, they tend to feel less depressed and anxious, which means they generally feel better.

Here’s why: As mentioned earlier, walking gets your body to release endorphins, which are chemicals that make you feel good and help fight off sadness and stress.

Plus, when you finish a walk, you often feel like you’ve done something worthwhile, and that can make you feel good about yourself.

But there’s more to it. Being outside and moving around does something special for your mood. It’s been found that getting some fresh air and a bit of exercise can make you feel more hopeful about things.

It’s like giving your mind a little vacation.

Let me give you a specific example.

Imagine you’ve had a rough day at work, and everything seems gloomy. If you go for a walk, by the time you get back, there’s a good chance you’ll see things a little differently.

Maybe you’ll notice the stress isn’t as heavy, or perhaps you’ll have a brighter outlook on how to tackle tomorrow’s challenges.

10. Increases cognitive function

A piece of puzzle missing from the brain.

Going for a walk every day can make your mind sharper and help you think more clearly.

This is important because as we get older, our brains can slow down, but walking can help keep them in good shape.

Scientists have found that people who walk regularly have a larger hippocampus – that’s the brain area in charge of memory and learning. [28]

So, by walking, you’re not just keeping your body healthy, you’re also giving your brain a boost.

Walking pumps more blood to your brain, which means it gets more of the oxygen and nutrients it needs to work well.

Have you ever noticed that after a walk, you can think better and remember things more easily?

That’s why.

It’s like when you’re trying to solve a tough problem or make a hard decision – taking a walk can sometimes give you that ‘a-ha!’ moment.

11. Improves creativity

Want to be more creative? Try taking a daily walk. Here’s why it works:

  • Walking gets your blood moving, which means more oxygen and nutrients go to your brain. This can help your brain work better and grow new cells. Scientists have found that people can think more creatively when they walk regularly. [18]
  • When you walk, your brain also releases certain hormones that help these new brain cells grow. This can make it easier for you to come up with fresh, innovative ideas.
  • Plus, being outside and seeing new things can inspire you. For example, you might notice the bright colors of a flower or the unique pattern of a building, and this could spark a new thought or concept in your mind.

12. Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

A piece of puzzle missing from the brain.
Creator: frentusha Copyright: frentusha

Walking every day can help lower your chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Studies have found that when you keep active, like going for regular walks, it helps keep your brain sharp and could lessen the chances of your memory and thinking skills getting worse as you get older.

Walking helps pump more blood to your brain, which is good for your memory and ability to focus. It also helps you stay at a healthy weight, and keeps your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check, which are all important for your brain’s health.

Making a habit of walking each day is a simple way to take care of your brain and cut down the risk of these brain diseases.

13. Reduces risk of insomnia

Walking every day can help you sleep better at night and lower your chances of having trouble sleeping, which is known as insomnia.

Let me explain why is that:

  • When you walk or do any exercise, your body warms up, and then it cools down afterward. This cooling down can help your body relax, making it easier for you to fall asleep.
  • Walking is especially good because it’s a simple way to get moving without being too intense.
  • Also, if you’re feeling anxious or down, walking can help lift your mood, which in turn can lead to better sleep.

Have you ever noticed that you tend to feel more awake during the day and sleepier at night after spending time outside?

That’s because the natural light you get from being outdoors helps set your body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm. This clock tells you when it’s time to be awake and when it’s time to sleep.

14. Increases Lifespan

Walking every day is great for your heart and can help you live longer. Here’s why it matters:

  • When you walk, your heart gets stronger, your blood pressure goes down, and your blood flows better. This means you’re less likely to get sick with things like heart disease, diabetes, or some cancers.
  • For example, just by walking 15 minutes a day, four days a week, you’re doing something really good for your health.
  • Plus, walking isn’t just about your body; it makes you feel better in your mind and emotions, too. This can also help you have a longer and happier life.

So, by walking regularly, you could add years to your life, which means more time to spend with your family and friends, and more time to enjoy your hobbies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The optimal walking pace for health benefits varies from person to person, but generally, a brisk pace is recommended. This is often defined as walking fast enough to increase your heart rate to a moderate-intensity level. This brisk pace can range from 13 to 20 minutes per mile, or from 3.0 mph to 4.5 mph. 

At this pace, you should be breathing noticeably harder, but still able to speak in full sentences 

Keep in mind that the average walking speed for most adults is around 3 mph.

Here are some tips for effective walking:

  • Stand tall and maintain good posture.
  • Swing your arms freely from your shoulders.
  • Roll your feet from heel to toe.
  • Don’t overstride; instead, push off with your rear foot.
  • Keep your gaze 10 to 20 feet in front of you.
  • Wear comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for the weather and terrain. [x] [x]

Yes, there are some things that you neeed to be aware if you fall in any of the following population categories:

  • Pregnant women are encouraged to engage in moderate-intensity physical activity, but should avoid exercises that require lying on their backs or risk collisions.
  • Older adults and those with specific medical conditions should consult their doctor before starting a new exercise regimen. [x]

Essential gear for walking includes:

  • Suitable footwear and comfortable socks.
  • A water bottle.
  • Temperature-appropriate clothing or layers.
  • Sunscreen and sun protective gear.
  • A map, compass, and whistle for longer walks.
  • A first-aid kit.
  • A mobile phone.
  • A daypack or rucksack for longer walks.

Bottom Line

There you have. 14 PROVEN reasons why you should start walking everyday.

And please, don’t start with the excuses of not having a lot of time or who’s gonna take care of the kids. There’s always time and in the event of having the kids – just take them with you. If you have a baby, place it in its stroller and walk with it.

Doing this simple exercise with literally change your life from inside out.

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