Top 10 Alkaline Foods we should eat EVERY day

Top 10 Alkaline Foods

In this article we are going to examine the top 10 alkaline foods that you should eat EVERY day.

The food we eat can lead to an alkaline or acidic blood pH, which in turn has a significant effect on our health. Studies have shown that the more alkaline we become, the better we function and the more active we feel.

When in an Alkaline condition it increases vitality, keeps the body healthy, and significantly increases life expectancy. It helps to lose weight, lower blood pressure, destroy cancer cells, avoid cardiovascular disease, soothe arthritis, and feel younger and stronger.

Foods that make our bodies acidic include white flour, meats, meats, eggs, fish, dairy, coffee, alcohol, sugar, and fried foods. Sweeteners, drugs, and environmental toxins also cause acidity, such as stress, anger, and toxic emotions. 

Prevailing modern diets and modern lifestyles are generally very acidic, and it takes exercise and great care to keep our bodies in an alkaline state.

But the good news is that there is an abundance of great tasting, healthy and nutritious alkaline foods that can be added to our daily intake and reduce the acidity of the body.

We’ll feel more active, less stressed, and have a body that functions optimally, for great sustainability.

Source: YouTube

Top 10 alkaline foods

FoodNurish has compiled the 10 most alkaline foods for our new lifestyle: 

Ripe Bananas

Most of us make the mistake of eating bananas that are almost too ripe, which can cause constipation and inadequate nutrient absorption.

Ripe bananas have stains on the skin and are readily peeled, indicating that they are ready to consume and are high in vitamins, minerals, and alkalinity.


Avocados have a pH of 8.0, which not only alkalinizes our entire body but also helps neutralize other acidic foods in our stomach.

You can eat them cut in half with salt and pepper or add them to salads.

An avocado


Asparagus is one of the most alkaline foods in nature, and it also contains a lot of fiber, water, vitamins, minerals, and anti-aging antioxidants. Their pH level is 8.5, making them an excellent accompaniment to any meal.


Although most nuts are acidic, almonds and their emulsion are high in health, energy, and alkalinity.

Almonds aid in the reduction of cholesterol, the improvement of cognitive function, digestion, and the creation of a properly balanced alkalinity in the body.

A bowl of almonds


Papaya is well-known for aiding digestion and alleviating digestive problems. This is because of their alkaline flesh, which is strong in fiber, water, vitamins, and minerals.

Chili Pepper

Chili pepper is an antimicrobial spice with a pH of 8.5 that improves blood circulation, decreases blood pressure, neutralizes toxins, and improves brain function.


Watermelon really does have a pH of 9.0 and is high in vitamins, minerals, and water, which helps maintain electrolyte balance.

Its high levels of toxin-reducing fiber make it an excellent source of alkalinity.


Garlic, in addition to enhancing our dishes, aids in the neutralization of acidic foods such as meat, fish, cheese, and eggs.

It provides a potent combination of fiber, nutrients, and alkalinity when combined with green veggies.

Garlic is one of the best foods to live longer.


This cruciferous anti-cancer vegetable is clearly an alkaline food. It contains a lot of fiber and nutrients that are good for our health.


Although lemons have a strong sour flavor, they are converted in the digestive tract into extremely alkaline chemicals that benefit the entire body.

In fact, lemons are a wonderful source of alkalinity, so adding a few slices or a little lemon juice to your glass of water is a smart idea.

Final Words

Proper eating habits are the key to a happy and healthy life. By consuming more alkaline foods, we reduce the acidity in our bodies, which leads to better overall health. What’s more, these foods are delicious and easy to incorporate into our daily diet. So let’s make the switch to an alkaline lifestyle today!

The first action step you should do today is eliminate all processed foods from your diet. Consuming processed foods creates acidity in our bodies, which leads to a host of health problems including inflammation, weight gain, and disease.

Fortunately, there are plenty of delicious and healthy alkaline foods that you can eat to help reduce the acidity in your body. So make the switch to an alkaline lifestyle today and enjoy the benefits of better health!

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