Tea Tree Oil Toothpaste Benefits And Potential Side Effects

Something which is produced in a factory can never be as good as the one which comes straight out of the clutches of nature. This is the reason that many people around the globe are dismissing the ideas of chemically produced toothpaste and going for the more natural ones.
When you talk about toothpaste enriched with natural goodness, you cannot help but talk about tea tree oil toothpaste and the good it can bring to your teeth.
RELATED: How Rubbing Tea Tree Oil On Gums Can Help You Reverse Gingivitis
Tea Tree Oil Benefits
Tea tree oil is a scented natural oil, also known as the melaleuca oil, which comes from the trees of Melaleuca alternifolia in Australia.
Although it is toxic when used directly, if used in monitored quantities it can offer a whole lot of good to your health and everyday problems.
It is widely used to treat acne and other skin ailments but due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it provides relief against many other health issues as well mainly congestion, chickenpox, head lice, sores, etc.
Tea Tree Oil For Teeth
Since it is gifted with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, the tea tree is considered to be really effective for oral health. It can be mixed with many other herbs as well to enhance the abilities that allow it to fight harmful bacteria in your mouth.
Halitosis: Tea tree oil is really effective as a mouthwash. It helps not only fight but suppress the growth of the bacteria that cause bad breath and leaves your mouth smelling fresh and sweet. Simply mix 3 to 5 drops of the oil in water and swirl it around in your mouth twice a day.
RELATED: What is Halitosis and How To Treat it
Gum diseases: Tea tree oil provides relief from swollen bleeding gums, tartar deposition, and plaque formation in your mouth. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it prevents the painful swelling and bleeding of the gums that often proceeds plaque buildup. It is because of its many benefits that many Australian dentists use it on their patients prior to any procedure they perform.
Infections: Due to the anti-bacterial properties, tea tree oil is really good for fighting off infections and mouth sores. Mix in some aloe Vera gel to the tea tree mouthwash and use that to soothe the aching infected tooth.
Precautions when using tea tree oil
Since it is toxic, it is advised not to ingest it directly since it may cause long-term nerve damage. In case you ingest some of it accidentally, seek out help immediately from the poison control department in your area. People who are allergic to thyme and celery should avoid using it too.
To get the best out of it, you can mix in a few drops of the oil to your toothpaste every day, or better yet mix it with some coconut oil and baking soda to make your own homemade toothpaste. However, if you want to avoid the hassle, then log on to amazon and get your hands on some of the best tea tree oil toothpaste out there e.g. Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Toothpaste.
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