17 Signs Your Body Is Acidic And Ways To Alkalize It

This article provides information on how to tell if your body is acidic and provides recommendations on how to alkalize it.
The body should never be acidic, since such an environment is unhealthy and creates the right conditions for various bacteria and diseases to thrive.
When the body is too acidic, it will be forced to extract minerals from important organs of the body, such as the bones, in order to neutralize the acidity and eliminate it from the body.
As a result, the body’s reserves of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium can drop to very low levels and consequently damage can occur that may go undiagnosed (unnoticed) for years until they drop to such unhealthy levels where they cause acidosis.
The foods that form an acidic environment are mostly sugar, and overconsumption of meat, grains and dairy products. Of course, our body is constantly producing acidic waste products which must be neutralized and eliminated. For this purpose, our body needs to incorporate alkaline foods.
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Signs Your Body Is Acidic
Can the body regulate pH levels on its own?
The body can adjust pH levels on its own, but this comes at a price. Except for the stomach, the normal pH level for all body fluids and tissues is alkaline, and all body systems have wide range pH, except for blood.
The pH of blood should be 7.35 to 7.45. For example, if the system becomes too acidic, the blood can pick up alkaline elements formed in the small intestine. But this has a consequence as well, as it compromises proper digestion.

The taste of the food tell you if it is acidic or not?
Although this is not the case for lemons, as although they taste acidic, they form an alkaline environment when consumed. When digested, the fats are oxidized into water and carbon dioxide, and do not create acidity in the system.
The main alkalizing minerals are sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. You should be aware that foods that are rich in minerals are alkaline foods. The majority of foods have both alkaline and acidic properties, so if the concentration of acid is higher, the food is considered acidic and vice versa.
The Body Has Its Limits
Our body has limits to how much it can on its own and constantly compensate for the imbalance between them. That’s why it’s really important to eat alkaline foods in order to maintain a good alkaline – acid balance (pH balanced is 80% alkaline and 20% acidic).
Numerous diseases occur as a consequence of the body’s attempt to restore balance.
If your diet permanently includes foods that form an acidic environment, such as meats, grains, sugars and dairy products, the body becomes very acidic. On the other hand, eating alkaline foods consisting of foods such as seaweed, fruits and vegetables in abundance can make your body very alkaline. And that’s the balance you need.
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Improve your alkalinity in the following ways
Powerful tonic juice, absorbs inflammation and alkalizes the blood
This juice is a powerful therapeutic tonic drink that helps reduce inflammation in the body and alkalizes the blood.
Ingredients for approximately one litre
If you drink a tonic like this daily, then..
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What you eat makes a difference
As you can realize for yourself, what you eat affects your health greatly. You can choose whether your food will be medicine or poison for your body. With this article you should by now understand the signs your body is acidic and what you can do to reverse it.
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