21 Best Foods That Boost The Immune System

immune system fights a virus

Well-being and good health are based on good nutrition. These 21 foods that boost the immune system will help you live longer, happier and without illnesses for as long as you keep them in your diet.

Just eat some every day and rip the rewards.

“We are what we eat” is not a phrase to be defied. Staying healthy is largely related to the foods we eat. Healthy eating helps us to avoid getting sick with flu and frequent colds and therefore stay healthy in the short term. But in the long term, it also reduces the chances of developing chronic illnesses

Several studies confirm the link between the Mediterranean diet, a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, natural, unprocessed foods, and extra virgin olive oil, and good health. Others link sugar and convenience foods with serious disease risks.

Related: Combine A Tbsp Of Olive Oil And 1 Lemon And You Will Remember Me for the Rest of Your Life

To boost our immune system it is important to be stocked up beforehand. And to do this we need a variety in our diet.

By fueling our bodies with vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrient-rich foods, we do our best to ensure wellness and longevity, without any exaggeration.

Foods That Boost The Immune System

How could this be practically applied to our daily lives? There are 21 foods that contain any of the above beneficial ingredients and we recommend eating 3-5 of them daily. In fact, you will soon find that you won’t miss so many sweet, processed and fatty foods.

Beans and pulses

All kinds. Green, black-eyed, giant, red beans, chickpeas, and lentils. Beans are rich in a type of antioxidant called polyphenols. Antioxidants fight the effects of free radicals, which are chemicals that affect a wide range of processes in the body, from inflammation to natural aging and cancer.

Greens and Vegetables

man holding a bunch of vegetables

There isn’t a doctor who doesn’t agree on the necessity of greens and vegetables for health. Their high fiber content improves gut health, chlorophyll boosts the immune system, prevents cancer, and protects the skin from viruses. Be sure to include one of these on your daily table. From chickpeas and spinach to kale and lettuce. Those with the dark green color are even better.

Sweet potatoes


Almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews are all beneficial and rich in vitamin E.

Related: 40 Real Foods to Eat to Live Longer, Happier & Healthier

Olive oil

Extra virgin in cooking and ideally agave oil in salads. The king of the Mediterranean diet has proven health benefits like lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality (source) and extending life (source).

Oat flakes

Oats are rich in B vitamins, minerals and trace elements such as iron, manganese and calcium, which protect the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Oat flakes are rich in vitamin E, while their high fibre content helps to maintain good bowel function.

Tea (mountain & green)

Research has shown that the genus Sideritis scardica, the well-known Greek mountain tea, boosts cognitive function and blood flow to the brain thanks to the polyphenols and flavonoids it contains (source). It also probably has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties, to a degree similar to green tea. Whichever you prefer, it will be good for you!


Barley was one of the first cereals to be cultivated, and for thousands of years, it has been one of the main foods of mankind. It is a nutritious grain, rich in valuable ingredients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, and is a food that helps maintain overall health.

Barley contains vitamin B3 (niacin), B1 (thiamine), selenium, copper, and magnesium, elements that lower blood pressure and cholesterol, thus improving cardiovascular health. So prefer lily bread or nuts in your daily diet.

Related: 25 Everyday Foods Packed With Magnesium You Probably Didn’t Know


You probably know this from your childhood. Eating fruit is one of the most basic dietary guidelines for the entire population, regardless of age, physical condition, or disease.

It has been shown that a diet rich in fruit can contribute to good gut health, regulate blood pressure, control hypertension, and even prevent cancer. Their actions are mainly due to the fiber and antioxidants they contain.


Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and helps with problems such as arthritis, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases and boosts cognitive function. It can be used as a seasoning in legumes, rice, and roasted vegetables.

It goes well with boiled or grilled fish, chicken, and red meat. You can also add a small amount to soups, smoothies, muffins, scrambled eggs, and in your tea.


Garlic belongs to the same family as onions and leeks, and contains a substance known as allicin, which when consumed regularly, improves overall health.

Garlic contains manganese, vitamins B6 and C, selenium, and fiber. It is indicated for fighting and preventing common cold viruses, controlling blood pressure, and maintaining cardiovascular health.

However, its benefits are much more in other areas of health, such as liver function, skin eczema, and even stress control.

Shiitake mushrooms

Most mushrooms have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, but these particular ones have been found to shield the body against respiratory infections, possibly thanks to the polysaccharides and vitamin D they contain. In addition, they increase bone density and strengthen the heart.

Related: Are Mushrooms Healthy? Here’s What Experts Say

Goat’s milk

In recent years, its nutritional value has been highlighted over cow’s milk. It is even emphasized that thanks to its composition it is more compatible with the human body. Goat’s milk is rich in zinc and selenium, elements essential for the proper functioning of the immune system.

Chicken soup

Chicken soup and all soups, in general, are a classic remedy for viruses. They are healthy and keep the body hydrated at the same time. Also due to their easy digestion by the body, they allow it to turn energy to treating the illness.


broccoli & cauliflower

Young children avoid it, but it is one of the most nutritious vegetables. Broccoli, like other cruciferous vegetables, detoxify the body naturally and at the same time help prevent infections.

Broccoli also provides an amino acid called choline, which ensures the normal functioning of cells. Finally, broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C and calcium.


Orange is known for its vitamin C content, but grapefruit has the same value, even providing less sugar. Grapefruit also prevents damage caused by free radicals, so it reduces the intensity of inflammation in the body.


Cinnamon goes great in drinks, fruits sauces, and also in cereals. Cinnamon acts against viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and also improves blood circulation.


The favorite summer fruit provides vitamin C, vitamin A, and lycopene, ingredients that boost the immune system and fight inflammation.


ginger longevity foods

Ginger can help reduce inflammation and thus reduce sore throat and other inflammatory diseases. It can also help reduce nausea.

While used in many sweets and desserts, ginger traps some heat in the form of gingerol. It also helps reduce chronic pain and may have cholesterol-lowering properties.

Related: This Amazing Ginger-Garlic Soup Is All You Need to Reinforce Your Immune System


Like papaya, kiwifruit is rich in nutrients such as folate, potassium, vitamin K and vitamin C.

Vitamin C boosts white blood cells to fight infection, while the other nutrients in kiwi keep the rest of the body functioning properly.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are packed with nutrients like phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

In particular, vitamin E is important for regulating and maintaining immune system function. Other foods with high amounts of vitamin E are avocados and green leafy vegetables.

These are some of the best foods that boost the immune system. Adding these immune system-boosting foods to your everyday diet will do wonders for your health.

If you know other foods that boost the immune system and you believe they should be included in the above list, feel free to send us an email here or leave a comment below.

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