25 Everyday Foods Packed With Magnesium You Probably Didn’t Know

magnesium element

In this article, we are presenting 25 everyday foods packed with magnesium. Adding these foods to your eating habits will help you boost your magnesium intake and rip the benefits that come with it.

Magnesium is a metal filled with micronutrients. In fact, Magnesium is involved in the building of more than 350 key enzymes in our body.

Therefore it is necessary for almost every function in the body. The main problem in our society is that a large part of the population does not receive the recommended daily of Magnesium to benefit from it.

If you are looking to supplement yourself with a Magnesium Supplement, we strongly recommend Magnesium Breakthrough. It’s the only Magnesium supplement out there that has all 7 forms of magnesium (90% of magnesium supplements have one, two, or three forms).

How much magnesium do you need?

The recommended daily dose depends on several factors (sex, age, pregnancy, menopause, health problems). Generally, healthy adults should take about 6 mg for each kilogram of their weight. For women, the daily dose is about 280 mg, while for men up to 350 mg.

25 Everyday Foods Packed With Magnesium

The foods presented in this list are high in magnesium. Adding them to your diet will surely help you with your magnesium deficiency. These foods packed with magnesium can be bought from your local grocery store. Most of these foods high in magnesium are very cheap and packed with other minerals and vitamins as well.

READ ALSO: 40 REAL Foods To Eat To Live Longer, Healthier and Happier

  1. Spinach

This green leafy vegetable is rich in almost all the nutrients you can think of while it is a good source of magnesium. A cup of cooked spinach provides about 157 mg or 39% of the daily dose of magnesium, while the corresponding amount of raw spinach provides 24 mg or 6% SPS. Eat raw organic spinach in salads if you want to boost your magnesium. The sesame and cabbage cover 38% and 19% of the magnesium SEP, respectively.

  1. Cabbage

If you’re looking for an easy solution in terms of taste and boosting magnesium levels, cabbage is probably what you’re looking for. A cup of cooked cabbage provides 12 mg of magnesium.

  1. Wild rice

One cup of wild rice contains about 52 mg of magnesium equivalent to 13% of the daily amount. It is also a rich source of other metals, such as folic acid, fiber, iron and zinc. Combine it with salmon and you have the necessary protein and carbohydrate balance you need after training.

  1. Buckwheat

A serving provides 229 mg. In addition, it does not contain gluten and does not lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. You can cook it like porridge for a nutritious breakfast or add it to soups or pancakes.

  1. Oats

It is rich in fiber and antioxidants, sheds cholesterol and blood pressure. Magnesium is one of the many nutrients contained in oats. 3/4 cup of oatmeal provides you with 47 mg of magnesium and is indeed a healthy way to start your day.

  1. Avocado

An avocado can provide you with 58 mg of magnesium which is equivalent to 15% of THESP. If you are a fan of guacamole, you can take up to 25 mg of magnesium in one serving.

  1. Banana

In addition to being an excellent energy snack, a medium-sized banana provides about 32 mg of magnesium along with other nutrients such as potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.

bananas in a supermarket
  1. Watermelon

Refreshing and tasty, watermelon is the best choice for dealing with magnesium deficiency during the summer. A cup cut into watermelon cubes provides about 15 mg of magnesium.

  1. Pumpkin Seeds

They are particularly rich in vitamin E, copper, and magnesium. Half a cup of pumpkin seeds provides 369 mg of magnesium which makes up 93% of the daily recommended amount.

RELATED: 32 Signs That You Need More Magnesium Right Now (And How to Get it)

  1. Brazilian peanuts

Brazilian peanuts are a fantastic source of magnesium. Half a cup provides about 250 mg of magnesium. A handful after training will immediately boost his levels.

  1. Dates

This sweet and tasty snack is just as nutritious. 100 grams provides you with 43 mg of magnesium.

  1. Pecan

In addition to being extremely tasty, pecan nuts contain nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that boost your diet and energy. A portion of pecans provides 34 mg of magnesium.

  1. Corn

A cup of corn provides 211 mg of magnesium plus lots of fiber and protein.

  1. Salmon

Wild salmon (not the farmed one) is a good source of magnesium. Half a salmon fillet provides you with 35 mg of magnesium. It also contains vitamin B12, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids.

READ ALSO: Best Vitamin B Complex Supplement and Everything You Need To Know In Between

  1. Oysters

An oyster provides you with about 76 mg of magnesium. Besides, it’s an aphrodisiac.

  1. Cocoa – dark chocolate

A cup of cocoa powder provides 429 mg of magnesium. Similarly, two pieces of dark chocolate provide 13 mg of magnesium as well as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

  1. Whole milk

Although it is a rich source of calcium few know that it also contains magnesium which helps your body absorb calcium and utilize it. One cup of whole milk provides 24 mg of magnesium.

  1. Water

Most of us ignore the fact that water is a rich source of magnesium although the dose varies from place to place, as well as the fact whether you drink bottled or not. Consumption of bottled or filtered water is not recommended because it is poor in magnesium.

  1. Okra

Okra contains phosphorus, iron, zinc, proteins, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium – and don’t forget – magnesium! A cup of okra yields 92 mg.

  1. Artichoke

A medium-sized artichoke contains 90 mg of magnesium, easily covering 25% of the recommended daily dose.

  1. Broccoli

Keep in mind that frozen broccoli gives you more magnesium. A cup of fresh broccoli gives just 22 mg, while the same amount in frozen gives 37 mg! Brocolli also contains fiber, calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, and beta carotene.

  1. Pumpkin Yellow

Both the flesh and the seeds of the pumpkin are rich in magnesium, which is important for various biological functions. Just 1 cup gives 43 mg of magnesium.

  1. Almonds

Just a handful of Almonds contains 105 mg of Magnesium. In addition, almonds are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that keeps your immune system strong and healthy. They are also packed with protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids.

  1. Sesame

Sesame contains about 100 mg of Magnesium per serving. Sesame It is also full of zinc, which can help in the production of testosterone and sperm in men. Finally, it is also a good source of iron and vitamin B6.

☝️ Tahini is a delicious vegan paste made by sesame. Like peanut butter is made from peanuts, tahini is made from sesame seeds.

  1. Peas

One cup of peas contains 48 mg of magnesium but also provides vitamin C, protein, potassium, and vitamin A.

Why would you take it?

What are the benefits of magnesium? It is known to be a mineral ideal for combating stress, helps to prevent the formation of blood clots, lowers blood pressure, prevents complications related to diabetes, helps maintain bone strength and helps increase life expectancy, reducing the risk for heart disease and limiting the harmful effects of free radicals.

If you exercise intensively you definitely need it, and not just to reduce muscle cramps. It has been observed that exercise leads to a redistribution of magnesium in the body so that it can serve metabolic needs.

Marginal magnesium deficiency affects athletic performance and increases the negative effects of intensive sports.

Magnesium is without a doubt a valuable ingredient for anti-aging, longevity and good health.

It is necessary for a wide variety of body processes, including energy production, protein formation, DNA production, and motor conductivity of the nervous system.

It helps to keep potassium, phosphorus, calcium, adrenaline, and insulin levels at normal levels and keeps the bones strong and the heart-healthy.

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