14 Important Health Benefits Of Onions According To Research

In this article, I explore the health benefits of onions by looking what the scientific community has to say and offer insight into why onions are so beneficial for your health.
What Are Onions
Onions are a type of root vegetable that belongs to the allium family, which also includes garlic and shallots. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and flavors ranging from sweet to pungent.
Onions are one of the oldest vegetables known to man and have been cultivated for centuries in different parts of the world; they were first grown in ancient Egypt over 5 thousand years ago!
Today they are widely used as an ingredient or garnish in countless dishes around the globe due their unique flavor enhancing properties when cooked.
Furthermore onions can be eaten raw or pickled depending on your preference although most people usually prefer them cooked since this helps reduce some its characteristic strong smell as well as making them milder tasting which may be more enjoyable for some palates.
A wide variety of research has been conducted on the health benefits of onions, which range from improving digestion to reducing the risk of certain cancers.
Health Benefits Of Onions According To Research

1. High in Vitamin C, B6, and Folate
Onions are high in vitamin C, B6 and folate, making them an excellent dietary source of these important vitamins. Studies have shown that a diet rich in foods containing these nutrients can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease (1).
2. Rich in Antioxidants
Onions contain powerful antioxidants such as quercetin which has been linked to a decrease in certain types cancer cell growth. (2)
They also contain flavonoids which may help protect against free radical damage from toxins and pollutants associated with diseases like Alzheimer’s. (3)
3. May Lower Cholesterol
Eating onions regularly may lower cholesterol levels by decreasing LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while maintaining or increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels. (4) (5)
This effect is due to their soluble fiber content helping the body eliminate bile acids more efficiently leading to decreased overall blood lipid concentrations. (6)
4. May Reduce Blood Pressure
In addition to lowering bad cholesterol levels onions have also been shown to reduce blood pressure through their potassium content, helping keep hypertension at bay as well as improving circulation throughout the body. (7) (8)
5. May Help Prevent Cancer
Studies have found that consuming onion extract daily for three months significantly reduced tumor formation when compared with controls who did not receive any treatment at all. The anti-cancer properties of onion extract may be due to its high antioxidant content. (9)
6. May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease
Eating onions has been linked to a decreased risk of heart disease in several studies. (10) (11)
This is likely due to the vegetables’ ability to reduce LDL cholesterol levels and improve circulation throughout the body, both factors that have been shown by research studies as being beneficial for cardiovascular health.
7. May Help Improve Digestion
Onions contain a special type of dietary fiber called fructans) which can help promote healthy digestion. (12)
Consuming onions on a regular basis can help keep your digestive system running smoothly and prevent constipation. (13)
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8. May Reduce Allergy Symptoms
Allergic reactions are caused when the immune system overreacts upon contact with certain substances such as pollen or animal dander. (14)
Studies have found that consuming onion juice daily for four weeks reduced allergic responses significantly compared with those who did not receive treatment at all. (15)
9. May Help Prevent Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is characterized by weakened bones caused by decreased bone density. (16)
Onions contain compounds called flavonoids which may play an important role in helping prevent osteoporosis because they increase calcium absorption into bones cells thus leading to increased bone mineral density (17).
Bone health is important for optimal physical function throughout life. Onions contain manganese, copper and phosphorus all essential minerals for bone formation that can help prevent osteoporosis when consumed regularly.
10. May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Onion extract has also been found effective in reducing blood sugar levels among people suffering from diabetes mellitus type 2. (18)
This effect appears largely attributed to its quercetin content which inhibits enzymes responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into simple sugars therefore preventing sudden spikes in blood glucose concentrations after meals containing carbohydrates.
11. May Improve Skin Health
Eating onions regularly may also benefit skin health through their antioxidant content making them effective agents against wrinkles and skin aging caused mainly by free radical damage (19).
Additionally, topical application of onion juice has even been used traditionally as an acne remedy based on anecdotal reports suggesting it helps clear up blemishes quickly without causing irritation nor redness like most other topical treatments do. (20)
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12. May Help Reduce Inflammation
Onion extracts possess powerful anti-inflammatory effects according recent findings from laboratory experiments that suggest its potential use if managing chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn’s Disease amongst others. (21)
Its effectiveness seems to be due to its high quercetin content, an antioxidant compound which helps reduce inflammation by inhibiting the release of certain inflammatory mediators such as histamine and leukotrienes. (22)
13. Onions Are Antibacterial
Onions contain compounds like quercetin and sulfur-containing compounds which have been shown to have strong antibacterial properties.
In fact, studies have even found that onion extract can be effective against certain strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. (23)
This is pretty impressive considering how common bacterial infections can be. Eating onions on a regular basis may help protect you from common infections like colds and flu due their antimicrobial properties.
14. May Help Promote Weight Loss
Onion peel has also been shown to promote weight loss in several studies conducted on animals suggesting it may be beneficial if used as part of a healthy diet plan. (24)
This effect appears largely attributed its thermogenic effects increasing energy expenditure thus leading to reduced fat mass over time.
Onions (Red) Nutritional Facts
Nutrient | Value |
Calories | 40 |
Total Fat | 0.1 g |
Sodium | 1 mg |
Total Carbohydrates | 9.9 g |
Dietary Fiber | 2.2 g |
Sugar | 5.7 g |
Protein | 1 g |
Vitamin C | 8.1 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.1 mg |
Vitamin K | 2.2 mcg |
Folate | 11 mcg |
Manganese | 0.1 mg |
Bottom Line
Onions are a nutritional powerhouse, providing a variety of health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, onions can help support your immune system and reduce inflammation. Eating onions regularly can also lower your risk of heart disease, help with digestion, and reduce the risk of certain cancers.
Onions are a delicious and nutritious addition to any diet, and their many health benefits make them an ideal food to include in your meals.
So next time you’re at the grocery store, grab a few onions and start experiencing the amazing health benefits they provide.
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